It displays conditional tools dependent on the current tool or selected element. The Options Bar is located below the ribbon. When you highlight an element or component, the status bar displays the name of the family and type. The status bar provides tips or hints on what to do. Many of the controls and tools that you use to modify an element in the drawing area are only available when an element is selected.

Each time you open a view in a model, the view displays in the drawing area. The drawing area displays views (and sheets and schedules) of the current model. As you expand and collapse each branch, lower-level items display. The Project Browser shows a logical hierarchy for all views, schedules, sheets, groups, and other parts of the current project. Keytips provide a way to access the application menu, the Quick Access toolbar, and the ribbon using the keyboard. Tooltips provide information about a tool in the user interface or an item in the drawing area, or instructions on what to do next when using a tool. You can customize this toolbar to display the tools that you use most often. The Quick Access toolbar contains a set of default tools.

It also allows you to manage files using more advanced tools, such as Export and Publish. The File tab provides access to common file actions, such as New, Open, and Save. It provides all the tools necessary to create a project or family. The ribbon displays when you create or open a file. Use Revit Home to access and manage information related to your models. Learn how the user interface is organized to support your workflow. The user interface is designed to simplify your workflow, and with a few clicks, you can customize the interface to support the way that you work. To save changes, use the File tab on the ribbon, where file-related tasks are located. The View Control Bar provides options for changing the view display, such as the scale or visual style. For example, right-click a tool, and click Add to Quick Access toolbar.

You can customize the Quick Access toolbar to display the tools that you use most often. When an element is selected, object-specific tools are available on a contextual tab. The tools you need to design the building model are grouped by task on the ribbon. Use view controls in the drawing area to manipulate the model and see your changes. For example, use the Type Selector to change the door type from single to double, and that change is reflected in all of the views. When you select an element in the drawing, you can modify its properties on the Properties palette. Display the model in a single view, or open several views, and click Tile on the View tab to see the views at the same time. To display a different view, expand a group, and double-click the view title. The Project Browser organizes the views, schedules, and sheets of the current project. The user interface provides all of the tools you need to work in a model. You can also open a recently used file by clicking the project. To get started, you can open a project or family, or create either one from a template.